Lean Administration Conference in Munich
In October 2019, the Lean Administration Congress will take place in Munich with interesting contributions, including from Saheb Consulting. More information and registration here: Lean Administration Kongress …
Do we need lean in the office? Here is the quick self-test
Start the test: how many of the following statements apply to you? – We have high work orders – We often have to interrupt our work due to missing or insufficient information – It happens again and again that we have to …
New series: successfully introducing lean administration – useful tools and tools
The potential that can be leveraged through lean in offices and administration is far from being exhausted. Employees there still regard almost a third of their working time as wasted, that is almost 4 months a year, which could be organized more …
Satisfied employees through Lean (1): Striving for meaning
Striving for meaning is a basic human need. Of course, this also applies to our daily work tasks. If we don’t see any sense in it, frustration and dissatisfaction arise. It is very difficult to motivate someone through external incentives – as …
The types of waste (8): Misuse of employees
Originally, there are seven types of waste in Lean Thinking. Declaring the wrong use of employees as an additional type of waste definitely makes sense, because valuable resources are also lost here. This type of waste occurs when highly qualified employees, specialists …
The types of waste (7): Over- or under-performance of work processes
This type of waste means that the processes, procedures and work tasks are not supported by the right instruments, aids, tools etc. A classic example of this type of waste are unsuitable IT systems. This can be the break between manual and …
To the book
The book ‘Lean Administration step by step’ is aimed at specialists and executives who want to apply lean in the indirect areas of the company or in service. It is intended as a practical manual and describes the implementation process step by …