The Book
24. March 2022 2022-04-05 23:38The Book
The book - Lean Administration step by step

“Lean Administration Step by Step” is aimed at specialists and managers who want to introduce lean administration. It is designed as a 2-volume practical manual.
The book Kathrin Saheb: Lean Administration (ISBN: 978-3-95631-168-0) was published by Shaker Media.
It is shown step by step how Lean Administration is successfully introduced. The procedure presented is based on the author’s many years of practice as a lean consultant. In addition to the well-known lean tools and methods, special emphasis is placed on the organization of project implementation and elements of change management.
Many practical examples and a detailed field report on the introduction of lean administration at an Alstom AG site complete the book.
Forms, checklists and selected illustrations will soon be available on the book’s blog at, as will information on the book’s seminar.
“Lean Administration Step by Step: Volume 2 – The Implementation” is now available in bookstores (Shaker Media, ISBN:978-3956315602).”Lean Administration Step by Step: Volume 2 – The Implementation” is now available in bookstores (Shaker Media, ISBN:978-3956315602).